Mitarashi Dango with Tofu for Cherry-Blossom Viewing
Mitarashi Dango with Tofu for Cherry-Blossom Viewing

Hey everyone, it is John, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, mitarashi dango with tofu for cherry-blossom viewing. It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I will make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Mitarashi Dango with Tofu for Cherry-Blossom Viewing is one of the most well liked of recent trending meals on earth. It is simple, it is fast, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions every day. They are nice and they look wonderful. Mitarashi Dango with Tofu for Cherry-Blossom Viewing is something which I have loved my whole life.

To get started with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have mitarashi dango with tofu for cherry-blossom viewing using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Mitarashi Dango with Tofu for Cherry-Blossom Viewing:
  1. Make ready 200 grams Shiratamako
  2. Take 250 grams Silken tofu
  3. Prepare Sauce
  4. Make ready 60 ml ★Soy sauce
  5. Get 180 grams ★Sugar
  6. Get 200 ml ★Water
  7. Make ready 2 tbsp ★Mirin
  8. Get 2 tbsp + 4 tablespoons of water Katakuriko slurry
Steps to make Mitarashi Dango with Tofu for Cherry-Blossom Viewing:
  1. Prepare the ingredients.
  2. Add ★ ingredients in a pot, and bring to a boil. Pour in the dissolved katakuriko, and cook until thickened, then the sauce is done.
  3. Mix the shiratamako and tofu, and make a consistency that is a little less firm than your earlobe. At first, it's crumbly, but after kneading, it will come together.
  4. If it's too firm, adjust the water amount accordingly.
  5. Divide the dough and form into your preferred size balls. Squeezing them tight is key.
  6. Put the dango into boiling water. When they start to float, remove, and soak in cold water to cool, then it's done.
  7. Pour the sauce on top, and enjoy! They are still soft the next day.

Learn How to Boost Your Mood with Food

Most of us have been taught to believe that comfort foods are not good and to be avoided. Often, if your comfort food is a high sugar food or another junk food, this is true. Otherwise, comfort foods may be extremely nourishing and good for you. Several foods actually do boost your mood when you consume them. If you feel a little bit down and need a happiness pick me up, try a couple of these.

Eggs, believe it or not, are wonderful for helping you battle depression. Just be sure that you don’t get rid of the egg yolk. The egg yolk is the part of the egg that is the most crucial in terms of helping elevate your mood. Eggs, the egg yolk in particular, are stuffed full of B vitamins. B vitamins can genuinely help you elevate your mood. This is because these vitamins help your neural transmitters–the parts of your brain that control your mood–run better. Consume an egg and feel a lot better!

Make a trail mixout of various seeds and nuts. Your mood can be raised by consuming peanuts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. This is possible because these foods are rich in magnesium which boosts serotonin production. Serotonin is the “feel good” chemical substance that directs your brain how you feel at all times. The more serotonin you have, the more pleasant you will feel. Not only that, nuts, specifically, are a terrific protein source.

If you wish to fight depression, you should eat some cold water fish. Salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, trout, etcetera, they’re all chock-full of omega-3 fatty acids and DHA. These are two things that really help the grey matter in your brain work a lot better. It’s the truth: eating tuna fish sandwiches can actually help you battle your depression.

It’s not hard to overcome your bad mood when you consume grains. Quinoa, millet, teff and barley are all really great for helping increase your happiness levels. They fill you up better and that can help improve your moods as well. Feeling starved can be awful! The reason these grains can improve your mood is that they are not difficult for your stomach to digest. You digest these foods more quickly than other foods which can help increase your blood sugar levels, which, in turn, helps make you feel better, mood wise.

Green tea is truly excellent for your mood. You were simply expecting to read that here, weren’t you? Green tea is rich in an amino acid referred to as L-theanine. Studies prove that this particular amino acid can basically induce brain waves. This helps better your mental focus while relaxing the rest of your body. You were already aware that green tea could help you be healthier. Now you are aware that it can help improve your mood also!

As you can see, you don’t need to stuff your face with junk food when you are wanting to feel better! Try these tips instead!